I am on fire! Three posts in 9 months. Man, look at me go! There was so much I wanted to blog about too. For instance... Adam went sky diving, graduated law school and did a full on Ironman all in the span of one week. That deserves a little something, right? Well I only had pictures of the graduation so that's what you got. I was gonna come back and post about the rest later, but now I'm too lazy. It's sad really, because even his best friend found the time to
mention it. So now you will never know about that, or the fun week I spent at my aunt's house while Adam studied for the bar, or the fun summer trips we took or the first day of school for my kids or any other stuff that happened. I'm having a baby in a week, so let's be honest...there will be no catching up. As I tell my kids, you get what you get and you don't throw a fit.
But, let me just tell you what is happening 'round here right now. Baby boy number four is set to join our family any day now. I'm 39 weeks along and we are way excited to hold this tiny dude. 4 boys will just be so great. My kids are ready to hold Baby Ian. Adam is done with all things law school and we are waiting to hear the results of the bar. McKay just did his one and only triathlon for the season on Saturday. He is just so freakin cute about it. He had a solid support crew between my family and the Blairs. I actually have pictures of that, thanks to one J Blair.

Check out his awesome form. How awesome is he that he was totally passing kids?!

(I love everything about this picture...)

Also, my sister is getting married in a few weeks! Her fiance finally made it here from Ghana. Poor girl waited a year, but he seems way worth the wait. He's sure a nice guy. This is him... (he's in the middle, staring at her adoringly)

Mason just started 1st grade and Carson starts preschool in a few days. It's weird to have just Carson and me home during the day but it's fun. It will be nice to have just me and baby time a few hours a week once that all happens too. And that's what's happening in my life. Here is a nice pregnant belly pic for the curious.
Hooray for updates! Your family is so dang cute! GO McKAY! He rocks! Go baby #4!! Hope everything goes well! Can't wait to snuggle him! Steph's fiance looks super sweet too!
ReplyDeleteThat pregnant belly is too cute.
ReplyDeleteEven so, I bet Ian Kuwk will be cuter.
I do love that picture with McKay and the medal and the three dudes.
We had so much fun while he was studying for the bar! And we didn't take nearly enough pictures. Good thing we remember it all *taps heart* right hear, yeah?
I'm going to miss Stef's wedding, dammit. If it is the day I heard it is. Have a date with Muse in Denver.
My, you have been a busy lady! Congrats to your hubby on getting through law school. I hear that is quite the accomplishment. And, you little man doing a triathalon?!?! Incredible. And I am so happy for Stef!! And sorry I won't be there... Keep that belly slow cooking. And we expect a blog post within the first year of his arrival. That is all :)
ReplyDeleteSo happy to hear from you...miss melissa. I sure do you love, even if you only blog once in a blue moon. I can't wait for Ian. We will for sure be there for the blessing, so let us know. Also, I have millions of pics from the Ironman, one day I will put them on a disc for you. That would probably be the super kind thing of a sister-in-law to do. I love the pictures of Mckay...way to go!! We are so proud of him. Best of wishes and love for the delivery. We will be thinking of you. Love you tons.
ReplyDeleteYOu do know that you and your four soon to be five boys are all freakin amazinig!!! We love you. Good luck with baby number four