Oh my goodness. Have you ever met my son Mason? Well, you should because he is so funny. Not always funny on purpose, but man, that kid has issues. One of which is that he hates to have people see him smile. Everyday when I pick him up from school he sees me and then immediately looks at the ground. He watches the ground until he runs into me. He just doesn't want me to see him smile. It's so funny. I love it everyday. I could do an entire post about his issues, to be honest. He his utterly adorable and absolutely stubborn as stubborn can get. He makes us late for school all the time because he just wont' put his coat on, or he won't put his socks on, or he won't move his freaking feet from the two inches space they are occupying. If he doesn't want to do something, he won't. I got some awesome proof of his craziness today at the Halloween parade at his school. Luckily he walked by twice and I got two times the proof!!
McKay's costume is freaking sweet and I will post some more pics after halloween, but here's a little preview.
McKay and his friend Logan who is a totally rad werewolf.More of Mason trying not to smile at me. I mean, seriously, he's so stinkin cute.