Friday, August 14, 2009

Stef's Home!

I really wish I would have taken pictures last night or at the airport or sometime in the last two days, but I didn't so you are just going to have to take my word for it that these things happened. Stefanie is home from Africa!! I'm basically way excited about it. I missed her. She flew in Wednesday night. She got on the plane at 10:00 am Ghana time, which is 6 hours ahead of us (so like 4am our time). She had a quick stop in NYC but didn't even get to see Kiel who was there waiting for her. Then on to SLC. She landed around midnight. I think she had been awake for the last million hours. That's a long day! When we picked her up at the airport, she had befriended this very nice German girl, who was stranded. So one hour later, one lost luggage, and one bonus sweet German, we had Stefanie.

We had a way fun party Thursday night to celebrate her homecoming. It was fun to see all her pictures and hear her funny stories. If you didn't come, you should have. If you didn't come because you didn't know about it, I'm way sorry. If you came, thank you so much!! If you are Brandee and totally helped me for two days getting ready, you are a life saver. If you are my mom, you are the best bathroom cleaner I know.

Here's a link to her facebook African photos.
It only works if you have a facebook account. Sorry.

I'm glad to have the best sister and to have her home!


  1. Wish we lived closer so we could have been there to celebrate with you guys! You sound so happy to have your sister home, I know what that feels like. Enjoy your sisterly time together...its the best.

  2. it was awesome! and what an adventure, but we totally pulled it off.

  3. Yay for Steffers! So glad she is safe and + one German :)

  4. Aw! I miss her still, since I haven't seen her! And I am bummed that the party and my vacation were the same time, and I missed it.

    {{{hugs Stef from afar}}}

  5. Meliss,

    I don't have your email to send you an invite. Will you leave it in my comments or email me at Thanks!

    Looks like Stef had tons of fun!
