Our whole family started school for the year. This is the first and only time in our lives we will do that, I hope. Meaning - I hope Adam doesn't go back to school ever, or at least not until I'm done. Is that okay to say?

McKay started 2nd grade on Monday, Adam started his last year of Law School on Tuesday, I started back at good ol' SLCC on Wednesday, Carson started preschool (maybe known as daycare) on Wednesday, and Mason starts Kindergarten on Monday. It's gonna be fun to coordinate all these schedules and what not. 
Another way awesome thing happened this week. Adam got the official job offer from Kirton and McConkie to return full time as a lawyer after law school! Yay! It was a little crazy there for a bit but I am so happy for him and so proud of all that he has done in the last few years. He is amazing! I actually haven't hated this whole law school thing. It's been a crazy adventure and I'm sure this year will be as crazy, but I have mostly good thoughts about it so far. But it's fun to know there is another chapter in our lives that will be starting soon and I'm totally ready!